I want to revolt
from the banality of humanity:
the selfish greed to dominate life
and the immature drive to wealth.
I want to tear my heart from its bony encasement
as I watch you die the slow death of misery and self loathing.
Your social failure in our American dream
is a fallacy of the delusions of right and wrong and religion.
I do not know your crimes
and frankly it is of no consequence
for the tears of lost death, the anguish of another living day
speak to me of the volumes of damage your "correction" has inflicted.
Your soul and mind belong to the system,
for we torment you with life
among the stench and filth
behind concrete walls and razor wire.
My industrial system of technology
has kept your fetid soul alive:
the mechanical ventilation
our sedative/hypnotics and anti-psychotics.
I watch your carcass chained to the gurney
wrenching and twisting to free the dying mind
from the prison of your body
drawing blood as a last resort to escape into death.