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Do you believe in a God?
Do you follow him/her blindly into the night?
Do you ask questions that mortals claim to answer from beyond?
Can you let your life be ruled by "a good book?"

Have you read a good book lately?
Has it changed your mind?
Driven you to alter your course and modify your path?
Would you want your book to be the only book?

The book around which all life revolves?

The recipe:
Wage war in the name of your book.
Rape and plunder in the name of your book.
Commit "unworthy" souls to "hell" and damnation in the name of your book.
Hate in the name of your book.

Hell, preach to others to live their lives in the image of your protagonist.
The main character: a carpenter.
"Act, think, feel, imagine, and live as this man and redemption will be yours!"

Prostrate yourself to the mortal men,
those who have raped,
those who have plundered,
those who have hated...in the name of your book.


The final chapter: "life, ever lasting."
The goal, the finish line of life: heaven.
A mother's teaching:
"It must be a nice place, no one has ever come back to complain."

Dead people cannot complain mother.
They decay and return to the earth
upon which they evolved.

I will expire: exhale the final breath of life and die.

I do not seek an "eternal life" among the "people of the book."
For I am merely a small chapter in a book of poems,
as the revolutions of this earthly orb turn my pages,
until this chapter ends.

I exist only in the fiction of carbon and nitrogen.
A mortal attempt to ease the pain, suffering, and disease
of the walking dead.